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  2. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader

A Supernova component is not installed correctly. Error dolvideo 0. Press Enter to correct the problem and reboot, or press cancel or escape to continue working

When launching Supernova on a Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 workstation, where Supernova is installed locally to that machine, the above error message is displayed. Pressing ENTER to reboot does not correct the problem.

Please note: This article relates to installing Supernova onto a single PC workstation. If you are attempting to launch Supernova through a remote desktop session, this error may also occur. In this case please contact Dolphin Product Support for a solution.

If you receive the above error message some manual installation steps may need to be performed.

To do this:

1. Navigate to the Supernova installation folder. By default this will be:

C:\Program Files\Dolphin\SnovaSuite12xx

2. Copy the file named "dolvideo.dll" to the clipboard.

3. Paste this file into the following location:


4. Reboot the machine and try and launch Supernova again.

If the error still appears following a reboot, take the following steps:

1. Open the Start menu and choose All Programs > Accessories >

2. RIGHT CLICK on "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as Administrator"

3. In the command prompt window, navigate to the Supernova installation folder, by default this is:

C:\Program Files\Dolphin\SnovaSuite12xx

4. Run the file named "dolcompinst.exe" with a /force switch command:

Dolcompinst.exe /force

5. Reboot the computer when prompted.