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SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader
SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader
SuperNova Enterprise
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Guide Legacy (version 9 and earlier)
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SuperNova Enterprise
SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader
Knowledge base articles relating to all editions of SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader
Adjust SuperNova Features for secure environments
Scrolling down emails using the mouse wheel in Microsoft Outlook results in message content repeatedly jumping back to the top.
SuperNova becomes unresponsive after Windows returns from power saving modes.
Microsoft Office applications extremely slow to open on machines that have an integrated Intel UHD video card
Office applications not opening whilst SuperNova is open on a device running Bitdefender
Real-time behaviour monitoring features of anti-virus software causes poor SuperNova performance or crashes
When starting a Remote Desktop or Citrix session, the locally installed SuperNova’s magnification turns off.
Allow SuperNova’s Magnification and Visual Effects to show through a Teams meeting.
Magnified Text is not as clear in web browsers as in other applications
I am unable to read PDF files in Adobe Acrobat Reader with SuperNova/Dolphin ScreenReader
Problems typing text into search field in the Google search engine using Chrome.
Does SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader work with any HumanWare Braille Displays?
Creating a magnified screenshot with SuperNova
The text is not announced when editing cells in an Excel spreadsheet
Truefonts is not working on my supported version of Microsoft Office
While using Audio Splitting the audio has started coming through both channels ignoring my settings
Which versions of Office does the SuperNova True Fonts feature support?
How can I change the location of the SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader Settings files?
I have started to experience accessibility issues in Microsoft Office 365 applications following an update.
My tablet running SuperNova gets slower and more unresponsive over time
Can I use the local SuperNova installation to magnify a remote environment like those provided by Citrix, VMWare and Microsoft
SuperNova crashes unexpectedly and has to be restarted.
Accessibility issues with TeamViewer (version 15.33.7)
OneCore voices are not working with any application
Troubleshooting Connect & View Whiteboard
When inserting a Dolphin USB pen, a Windows message appears asking “Do you want to scan and fix Removable Disk?”.
Current Limitations in SuperNova’s Microsoft Word UIA Support
Using Microsoft OneCore voices in SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader.
SuperNova’s Connect & View Whiteboard Assistant prompts for Administrator Password or User Account Control on launch.
Font Smoothing does not appear as clear and smooth in Microsoft Office applications.
Finding lists of SuperNova hotkeys.
Performance issues during Microsoft Teams video calls.
Typing text into a cell in Microsoft Excel results in the magnification moving to the top left of the screen.
The hotkey set I use is no longer available in SuperNova version 21?
Unable to type into the Microsoft Edge address bar.
SuperNova version 20.05 crashes when launching a German language Microsoft Word
Does SuperNova use Java libraries such as Log4j?
Does SuperNova use the Java logging package log4j?
What Hotkeys and Keyboard Shortcuts are Available in SuperNova?
Guest Mode not supported on Windows 11.
OT44455 Microsoft Word takes longer than expected to load, and response of typing within a document is very slow.
OT44010: BSOD crash when connecting or disconnecting a second monitor.
Troubleshooting Connect & View Whiteboard Connections.
Touch screen gestures not working when SuperNova’s magnification is turned off.
ERROR: A problem with the camera was encountered. Code 7602291, 006d0065.
Multiple Monitors options not available in SuperNova’s “Visual” menu, despite having more than one monitor connected.
SuperNova Startup Error: Another user is already running a copy of SuperNova.
Speech and magnification not working in Command Prompt and PowerShell console windows.
Unexpected artefact / image appears in centre of screen when SuperNova starts.
It is not possible to read Google Chrome using the screen reader.
Error 80070005 when attempting to use a document camera with Connect & View.
Error: Support Message code 14” and SuperNova will only run in “Emergency Mode”.
Troubleshooting no voice output in SuperNova.
Not possible to type text into edit fields on web browsers or some other applications
Changing SuperNova’s default hotkey assignments.
Text in PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat does not appear as smooth as in other applications.
Text on web pages does not appear as smooth as in other applications.
Microsoft Outlook reading pane does not show when SuperNova is running.
EasyReader not opening after choosing “My Books” from the SuperNova Control Panel.
After installing an MSI for SuperNova, receive an error “Magnification Engine Failed to Start. Code 20.”.
SuperNova asks for product activation after every Windows restart.
Magnification Engine Failed to Start. Code 16908403.
Importing and Exporting SuperNova User Settings.
Speech does not announce the “Recent Documents” list in Microsoft Word 2016.
Deploy SuperNova with Microsoft SCCM using MSI files.
Reading PDF documents with SuperNova
Java Access Bridge
Setting up SuperNova to use Ivona (Sapi 5 Synthesiser) voices
Support for the HumanWare Brailliant B Series Braille Device
"Magnification Engine Failed to Start. Code 6."
The magnification moves or jumps to unexpected areas of the screen
Video Card Requirements for running SuperNova on Windows 8.
Obtain and Use the Welsh TTS voices from Ivona with Dolphin products
No magnification or mouse pointer when starting SuperNova on a VDI session from Microsoft Hyper-V.
No magnification or mouse pointer when starting SuperNova on a VDI session from VMware.
"A SuperNova component is not installed correctly. Errors dolvideo 0.Press Enter to correct the problem and reboot or Escape to continue"
FIXED: Mouse pointer does not appear smooth when magnified
When attempting to activate a Dolphin product over the Internet, you receive an 'Extended Error' message, and the product fails to activate
There is a problem with the product authorisation system. Please check that the time and date on your PC are set correctly. Error Code 40
There was a problem with the product authorisation system. Please check that the time and date on your PC are set correctly. Error Code 37
A Supernova component is not installed correctly. Error dolvideo 0. Press Enter to correct the problem and reboot, or press cancel or escape to continue working
The 'Read from Here' and 'Quick Navigation' keys do not work when reading Word 2010 'Protected View' documents
The 'Read from Here' feature announces 'Reading Finished' and does not read the text in any Microsoft Word document.
Troubleshooting Braille Display Detection Problems
A Supernova component is not installed correctly. Error Dolboot 0
Dolphin Pen plays the loading sound, then immediately plays the closing down sound and Supernova does not open.
When attempting to load SuperNova 12, no splash screen appears and SuperNova does not load
Dolphin Pen Updater informs you that there is more than one USB pen drive connected to the computer
A Supernova component is not installed correctly. The error code is 3
Your display settings have been changed to be compatible with SuperNova. For these changes to take effect you must restart your PC. Code 20.
Dolphin Onscreen Keyboard and Touch Bar do not fit fully on the screen of my Touch Screen Device
After inserting a Dolphin Pen into any USB port a message 'You need to format the disk in drive x: before you can use it. Do you want to format it?' appears
What SuperNova settings are Global Settings And what SuperNova settings are Application Settings?
Speech announces 'No Focus Detected' when pressing F2 to edit a cell contents in Excel using SuperNova
Recommended camera hardware for Connect & View?
Magnification Engine Failed to Start. Code 2.
System Error. The program cannot start because MFPlat.DLL is missing from your computer.
Following a Windows 10 update SuperNova displays an Error: "Magnification Engine Failed to Start. Code 7"
Camera not detected in SuperNova Connect and View feature
Microsoft Word stops responding when attempting to use the Open or Save As dialog boxes
Working from home unexpectedly with SuperNova
Unexpected behaviour when pressing buttons on a Dolphin Keyboard
SuperNova Startup Error - Error Code 1 - version.cpp. The file DOL_HOOK.cpp is the wrong version
Error in installation line 330. Registration error. Access Denied
SuperNova Startup Error - Error Code 1 - version.cpp. The file DOL_HOOK.cpp is the wrong verso
No magnification after logging into Windows through Citrix XenApp after the session has been locked.
When using multiple monitors, the speech fails to read any text on the screen after extending the desktop onto a second monitor
File and folder items not spoken or tracked in Windows Explorer when “PCEye” Eye Tracking software from Tobii Dynavox is installed on the PC.
Files and Folders not spoken or tracked in Windows Explorer
Startup Error 514 is displayed when attempting to launch SuperNova.
SuperNova/Dolphin ScreenReader has started to announce "blank line" in Microsoft Word
Web browsers are failing to launch or read when running SuperNova on a device with ESET Internet security software
Can I use SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader with Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides?
Improving the performance of magnification when using graphics editing software
In Google Chrome SuperNova reads “List box” or “Drop down menu” when trying to enter information in an edit field.
SuperNova / Dolphin ScreenReader has stopped announcing any web content while using Firefox.
Office applications refusing to open while running SuperNova 22.03 and below
Configuring Connect and View in a network environment
How can I apply individual colour schemes to different monitors in a multi-monitor setup?
Does SuperNova work on a Windows ARM laptop?
Is SuperNova affected by the exploit in libwebp.dll?
SAPI 5 voices are reading out letters and sounds incorrectly after updating to SuperNova 22.04
Excel spreadsheets opening blank while SuperNova / Dolphin ScreenReader are running
Connect & View: How to set a permanent Whiteboard password
After implementing a workaround for a Microsoft Office crash some areas of Office are no longer spoken by SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader
Does SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader support the new 'Outlook for Windows' App?
Google will be removing the ability to use 'Basic HTML view' within Gmail
TrueFonts Appear To Overlap In Menus When Running Microsoft Office Applications
Cisco Webex crashes when on call with SuperNova / ScreenReader running
How do I improve the appearance of Edge with SuperNova?
I have started experiencing font corruption / layering in Outlook
The Orpheus Synthesiser is not announcing capital letters correctly
SuperNova / ScreenReader is no longer reading cell contents in spreadsheets after updating to 23.01
OneCore is no longer showing up as a synthesiser option after updating to 23.01
Desktop and Laptop Hotkey sets introduced in SuperNova / ScreenReader 23.01
JAWS emulation hotkey set introduced in SuperNova / ScreenReader 23.01
I have started experiencing accessibility issues with the new Adobe Acrobat interface
SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader no longer speaks on the Windows lock screen after recovering from Standby
Which versions of Microsoft Office support SuperNova's TrueFonts feature?
I am getting severe text corruption in an application when magnified
The Vocalizer speech synthesiser is not detected in SuperNova/Dolphin ScreenReader
With Dolphin ScreenReader and SuperNova Magnifier & ScreenReader the speech stops responding while typing sentences in Microsoft Word or Outlook
SuperNova displays "Magnification Engine Failed to Start. Code 393324" on startup
How do I move my SuperNova License from one Device to another?
When loading SuperNova I get the error message "SAM error - Error creating file mapping object mapping"
Magnification error code 7 on Windows 11 24H2
How to apply Easyreader premium to your account after renewing your SuperNova SMA
After a Windows 11 update SuperNova/ScreenReader does not announce task switching correctly
How to setup your wireless keyboard & mouse supplied with the Connect & Learn Package
SuperNova compatibility with Libre Office
TeamViewer Changes that may Affect SuperNova's Speech
SuperNova Enterprise
How do I deploy my SuperNova Enterprise license with an MSI package?
What commands do I use to deploy the SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader MSI packages?
The SAM Remote driver is not working in a VMware Horizon remote environment
“A referral was returned from the server” error message is displayed when launching SuperNova?