1. Knowledge Base
  2. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader

When attempting to load SuperNova 12, no splash screen appears and SuperNova does not load

With SuperNova 12 set to run automatically, or by starting it manually, the Supernova splash screen does not appear and SuperNova fails to load. Looking in the Windows Task Manager under the Processes tab reveals the SuperNova process is not starting

This may happen if for some reason the "Dolphin Cbar2" service is not running, or is not set to start automatically. You need to ensure to service is both running and set to automatically start.

To do this:

1. Press WINDOWS KEY + R. The "Run" dialog box opens.
2. You are placed in an edit area. Type in the following:


3. TAB to the "OK" button and press ENTER. The "Services" dialog box opens.
TAB into the list of Windows services. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to locate the service called "Dolphin Cbar Service 2".
4. Press ENTER. The "Dolphin Cbar Service 2 Properties" dialog box opens. 
5. TAB to the "Startup Type" list box and use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to select "Automatic".

NB: Ensure the "Startup Type" is set to just "Automatic" and NOT "Automatic (Delayed Start)".

6. TAB to the "Stop" button and press SPACEBAR. This will stop the service. 
7. TAB to the "Start" button and press SPACEBAR. This will start the service.
8. Press ALT + F4. This will close the "Dolphin Cbar Service 2 Properties" dialog box.
9. Press ALT + F4. This will close the "Services" dialog box.
10. SuperNova should now load.