This article describes what to check when SuperNova is running, you do not hear any speech output.
There are a number of things which could cause a lack of voice in SuperNova.
Check Windows audio is functioning
The first thing to check is whether or not it is just SuperNova that is silent, or if in fact all Windows sounds have gone. If you are using an external headset or speakers, ensure they are connected and turned on if applicable. Ensure that the Windows volume is set sufficiently high and that it is not muted. Now play some audio, for example a YouTube video in a web browser. If there is no sound from the video, then you can be sure the issue is a general system issue and not specific to SuperNova.
Check voice is turned on.
Assuming Windows sounds are working as expected, the next thing to do is make sure SuperNova’s voice is turned on. To do this:
- Open the SuperNova Control Panel.
- Open the “Speech” menu.
- Ensure that the first item is set to “Voice ON” and not “Voice OFF”.
Check SuperNova speech volume
Next make sure that SuperNova’s own volume is sufficiently high. To do this:
- Open the SuperNova Control Panel.
- Open the “Speech” menu.
- Choose “Voice Preferences”.
- On the “General” page, make sure the volume is set high enough, increase the volume as high it will go until you can hear the voice.
- Choose "OK".
Make sure the correct TTS is in use.
You may wish to check that the correct Text-to-Speech synthesizer is in use. To do this:
- Open the SuperNova Control Panel.
- Open the “Speech” menu.
- Choose “Voice Preferences”.
- Choose the “Synthesizer Configuration” page.
- Choose the “Select Synthesizer” button.
- From the list of available TTS engines, choose the one you wish to use. Mos users opt for the default “Vocalizer Expressive” item.
- Choose “OK”.