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  2. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader

I have started to experience accessibility issues in Microsoft Office 365 applications following an update.

We recommend changing the Office 365 channel that you are on to reduce the effects of the most recent updates to Office applications.

By changing your Office 365 to operate on a "Semi-Annual" channel you will ensure that changes are delivered slower to your Office applications.  This delayed delivery of updates ensures that there is a greater time for Office update related issues to be resolved before they reach your machine.

To switch to the semi annual channel you need to:

  1. Close any open Office applications that are running.
  2. Download the installer from:
  3. Run the downloaded installer (this will change two registry keys as detailed below).
  4. Now launch an office application (Word, Excel, Outlook etc).
  5. Open the File menu from the Office ribbon bar.
  6. Navigate to "Account" > "Update Options" > "Update Now".

When the "Update" is complete your Office Applications should be changed to the Semi Annual channel.

For Information only:

The installer will change the values of the "UpdateChannel", "UnmanagedUpdateUrl" and "CDNBaseUrl" string values in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" so that they point to the semi annual channel. 

More information on the changes can be found here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/office-365-blog/how-to-manage-office-365-proplus-channels-for-it-pros/ba-p/795813