1. Knowledge Base
  2. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader

Can I use the local SuperNova installation to magnify a remote environment like those provided by Citrix, VMWare and Microsoft

Locally installed SuperNova is set to disable all features by design when you launch a remote environment. This prevents the local version of SuperNova from conflicting with the SuperNova in the remote environment

There may be times that you are not allowed/able to install SuperNova to a remote machine, and you may only want simple magnification to carry out some quick tasks - in this instance it is possible to enable the local magnification.

Please be aware the magnification features will be limited when using the local magnification so it is not recommended if you require full access, the performance will be the equivalent of applying magnification to an image file so there will be no tracking and there will be some pixilation.

To enable the use of the local magnification please carry out the following steps:

  • Open the SuperNova Control Panel (LEFT CONTROL + SPACE BAR).
  • Open the File Menu (ALT + F) > Edit (E) > Map (M).
  • From the pull down list box select "Terminal Server Client Application..".
  • Delete the map file (press D) and confirm the deletion.
  • Now test

If you upgrade to SuperNova Enterprise and need to revert to the designed behaviour just reinstall SuperNova to reinstate the map file.