1. Knowledge Base
  2. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader

True Fonts Appear To Overlap In Menus When Running Microsoft Office Applications

Text in Microsoft Word, Outlook and other Office 365 applications can overlap and appear corrupt in some areas of the screen.

Dolphin is currently investigating an issue whereby Text overlaps and corrupts when using True Fonts with Microsoft office 365 applications running version 2312 Current Channel or later.

At the present time the workaround is to roll back the version of Microsoft Office. To switch to the semi annual channel you need to:
  1. Close any open Office applications that are running.
  2. Download the installer from:
  3. Run the downloaded installer (this will change two registry keys as detailed below).
  4. Now launch an office application (Word, Excel, Outlook etc).
  5. Open the File menu from the Office ribbon bar.
  6. Navigate to "Account" > "Update Options" > "Update Now".

When the "Update" is complete your Office Applications should be changed to the Semi Annual channel.

For Information only:

The installer will change the values of the "UpdateChannel", "UnmanagedUpdateUrl" and "CDNBaseUrl" string values in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" so that they point to the semi annual channel. 

More information on the changes can be found here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/office-365-blog/how-to-manage-office-365-proplus-channels-for-it-pros/ba-p/795813