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How can I change the location of the SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader Settings files?

In network environments it may be desirable or necessary to change the location where the SuperNova or Dolphin Screen Reader settings files are located.

Disclaimer: Dolphin Computer Access Ltd. cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Before attempting the following, create a backup copy of your Windows Registry and a system restore point. Failure to do this may result in a non-recoverable system.


To enable the software to be configured to meet the users individual needs any changes made to the default settings are saved to a number of files in a settings folder.  In certain circumstances the location of the settings folder may need to be changed.

Location of Settings

By default any changes to the SuperNova settings are saved in the following location: 

%userprofile%\ AppData\Local\dolphin\[prod][ver] \Settings

Where [prod] represents the product name and [ver] represents the product version. For example, SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader version 21.03 settings are saved in the \..\SnovaSuite2103\Settings folder.

Change settings for a single user

If you would like to update the path to the settings for a single you need to carry out the following steps:

1. Launch the registry editor (Windows Key + R, regedit.exe)

2. Create the following registry key:


*You must modify the version number to match the version installed, for example, the key must be Supernova2103 if you have SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader version 21.03 installed.

3. Create an expandable string value in the above key called “Settings”.

4. Set the value data to be the folder location, for example, H:\Settings or %USERPROFILE%\SnovaSettings

Change settings location for multiple users

If you would like to update settings location in a network environment or for a multiple user machine you can change the behaviour of SuperNova so that it checks for the Settings path in the HKLM branch of the registry.  To configure the settings in a multi user environment you need to carry out the following steps:

1.  Launch the SuperNova Enterprise Configuration tool (enterpriseconfig.exe in the SuperNova program files directory by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolphin\SnovaSuite2103.

2. Navigate to the Features tab and select the "Enable HKLM Settings", then OK to apply the change.

3. Create one of the following keys

x86 OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Dolphin\Supernova2103
x64 OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Dolphin\Supernova2103
*You must modify the version number to match the version installed, for example, the key must be Supernova2103 if you have SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader version 21.03 installed.

4. Create an expandable string value called “Settings”.

5. Set the value data to be the folder location, for example, H:\Settings or %USERPROFILE%\SnovaSettings