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  2. SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader

JAWS emulation hotkey set introduced in SuperNova / ScreenReader 23.01

What are the JAWS emulation hotkey sets?

Dolphin offer a number of third party emulation hotkey sets to assist users transferring, either temporarily or permanently, from one assistive technology product to a Dolphin product. The alternative hotkey sets include JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion.

Changing hotkey sets

To change hotkey set, do the following:

  1. Open the SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader Control Panel.
  2. From the "General" menu, open the "Keyboard settings" submenu, and select "Keyboard" (ALT + G, K, K). The "Choose keyboard and hotkey set" dialog box opens.
  3. From the Keyboard list, select "Desktop" or "Laptop", depending on your keyboard type.
  4. From the Set list, select "JAWS emulation".
  5. When done, select the "OK" button.

JAWS Desktop and Laptop Emulation Hotkey Sets

Below is a list of the key changes made to the Dolphin default hotkey set. This information may be useful for people familiar with Dolphin products. Unless stated otherwise, the JAWS Desktop and Laptop hotkey assignments are the same with the notable exception of using CAPS LOCK rather than INSERT when using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.


Tip: When using SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader, you can generate a full list of current hotkeys by searching for * (asterisk) in the SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader Help, and then filtering your results on Hotkeys.

General hotkeys

Unless stated otherwise, replace INSERT with CAPS LOCK when using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.

  • Open Control Panel: INSERT + J or INSERT + F2.
  • Enter Layered hotkey mode: INSERT + SPACEBAR.
  • Open Doc Reader: CONTROL + INSERT + W.
  • Pass next key to application: INSERT + 3.
  • Toggle hotkey on off: INSERT + 8 (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Refresh screen detectors: INSERT + ESCAPE.
  • Open training mode: INSERT + 0.
  • Quit: INSERT + F4.

Speech commands

Unless stated otherwise, replace INSERT with CAPS LOCK when using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.

  • Change speech verbosity scheme: INSERT + V.
  • Change typing mode: INSERT + 2.
  • Speak using next synthesiser: CONTROL + INSERT + S.
  • Speak using next synthesiser language: CONTROL + INSERT + L.
  • Toggle key describe mode on off: INSERT + 1.
  • Toggle monitor markers on off: INSERT + S.
  • Voice speed down: LEFT CONTROL + ALT + PAGE DOWN (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 3).
  • Voice speed up: LEFT CONTROL + ALT + PAGE UP (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 9).

Speak key commands

Unless stated otherwise, replace INSERT with CAPS LOCK when using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.

  • Speak character: NUMPAD 5. Press CAPS LOCK + COMMA when using JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Speak focus: INSERT + TAB (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 5).
  • Speak focus position: ALT + DELETE (or LEFT CONTROL + NUMPAD PERIOD).
  • Speak line: INSERT + UP ARROW (or INSERT + NUMPAD 8).
  • Speak line from cursor: INSERT + PAGE UP (or INSERT + NUMPAD 9).
  • Speak line to cursor: INSERT + HOME (or INSERT + NUMPAD 7).
  • Speak paragraph: LEFT CONTROL + INSERT + NUMPAD 5. Press LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + I if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Speak row and column headings: ALT + 1 (or ALT + 7).
  • Speak selection: SHIFT + INSERT + DOWN ARROW (or SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 2).
  • Speak sentence: ALT + NUMPAD 5. Press CAPS LOCK + 8 if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Speak shortcut key: SHIFT + NUMPAD 5. Press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + COMMA if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Speak status bar: INSERT + PAGE DOWN (or INSERT + NUMPAD 3).
  • Speak table column: SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 5. Press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + RIGHT ARROW if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Speak table column from current cell: SHIFT + INSERT + PAGE DOWN (or SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 3).
  • Speak table column to current cell: SHIFT + INSERT + END (or SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 1).
  • Speak table row: SHIFT + INSERT + UP ARROW (or SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 8).
  • Speak table row from current cell: SHIFT + INSERT + PAGE UP (or SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 9).
  • Speak table row to current cell: SHIFT + INSERT + HOME (or SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD 7).
  • Speak where am I?: INSERT + T.
  • Speak window: INSERT + B.
  • Speak word: INSERT + NUMPAD 5. Press CAPS LOCK + K if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Move to and speak next paragraph: CONTROL + INSERT + NUMPAD 2 (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Move to and speak next sentence: ALT + NUMPAD 2 (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Move to and speak next word: INSERT + RIGHT ARROW (or INSERT + NUMPAD 6) (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Move to and speak previous paragraph: CONTROL + INSERT + NUMPAD 8 (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Move to and speak previous sentence: ALT + NUMPAD 8 (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Move to and speak previous word: INSERT + LEFT ARROW (or INSERT + NUMPAD 4) (not available in JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Speak character attributes: INSERT + F (or INSERT + 5).
  • Read from here: INSERT + DOWN ARROW (or INSERT + NUMPAD 2).

Dolphin Cursor

Unless stated otherwise, replace INSERT with CAPS LOCK when using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.

  • Find with Dolphin Cursor: CONTROL + INSERT + F.
  • Find previous with Dolphin Cursor: SHIFT + INSERT + F3.
  • Find next with Dolphin Cursor: INSERT + F3.
  • Toggle automatic Dolphin Cursor on off: INSERT + Z.
  • Toggle automatically restrict Dolphin Cursor to area on off: INSERT + R.
  • Turn Dolphin Cursor off: NUMPAD PLUS. Press CAPS LOCK + SEMI COLON if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Turn Dolphin Cursor on: NUMPAD MINUS. Press CAPS LOCK + P if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Move Dolphin Cursor to table cell above: LEFT CONTROL + ALT + UP ARROW (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 8).
  • Move Dolphin Cursor to table cell below: LEFT CONTROL + ALT + DOWN ARROW (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 2).
  • Move Dolphin Cursor to table cell left: LEFT CONTROL + ALT + LEFT ARROW (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 4).
  • Move Dolphin Cursor to table cell right: LEFT CONTROL + ALT + RIGHT ARROW (or LEFT CONTROL + ALT + NUMPAD 6).
  • Activate drag with left mouse button at Dolphin Cursor: INSERT + NUMPAD SLASH. Press LEFT CONTROL + 8 if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Activate drag with right mouse button at Dolphin Cursor: INSERT + NUMPAD ASTERISK (not available using JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set).
  • Activate drop at Dolphin Cursor: SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD SLASH (SHIFT + INSERT + NUMPAD ASTERISK). Press LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + 8 if using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Activate left click at Dolphin Cursor: NUMPAD SLASH. Press CAPS LOCK + 8 if using JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Activate right click at Dolphin Cursor: NUMPAD ASTERISK. Press CAPS LOCK + 9 if using JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.
  • Move mouse pointer to Dolphin Cursor: INSERT + NUMPAD PLUS. Press RIGHT CONTROL + DELETE if using JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.

Miscellaneous commands

Unless stated otherwise, replace INSERT with CAPS LOCK when using the JAWS Laptop Hotkey Set.

  • Open Item Finder: INSERT + F5 (also supported is INSERT + F6, INSERT + F7, or INSERT + F9).
  • Change Braille verbosity scheme: CONTROL + INSERT + B.
  • Speak battery status: SHIFT + INSERT + B.
  • Speak date and time: INSERT + F12.


  • This hotkey set was created based on the JAWS US English keyboard commands. The JAWS Hotkey Set has not been localised to support other locales.
  • In some cases, JAWS commands do not exactly match SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader commands. For example, the JAWS command to speak window title has been assigned to the SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader Speak where am I? command. The Speak where am I? command includes the window title in its output.
  • If you are permanently changing to SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader, we strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with the Dolphin Default Hotkey Sets. These Hotkey Sets are used throughout the manuals and support material.

If you have feedback or suggestions on how the JAWS Hotkey Sets may be improved, please contact us at support@yourdolphin.com. All feedback is gratefully received.