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Improve the performance of SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader with Remote Control Viewer by Microsoft

When using SuperNova or Dolphin ScreenReader you may experience screen corruption if used with Remote Control Viewer by Microsoft

Remote Control Viewer is an application that allows you to control desktops remotely, access files, applications and other resources on the computer such as legacy programs.
When using Remote Control Viewer, Dolphin recommends applying the registry change below to give the best experience with SuperNova.

Disclaimer: Dolphin Computer Access Ltd. cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Before attempting the following, create a backup copy of your Windows Registry and a system restore point. Failure to do this may result in a non-recoverable system.



Once this change has been completed reload SuperNova and re-open your remote control session.